Digital marketing is always evolving, so we need to keep updating the way we think.

R. G.

I have been involved in various digital marketing activities since 2016. I have written content for websites and social media, planned and designed website renewals, led digital governance schemes for large corporations, and helped to implement marketing automation, account-based marketing, and CMS.


2008年に初めて日本に来て、すぐに日本のことが好きになり、いつか日本に住んで働きたいと思っていました。 その夢を実現するため大学に進学し、政治と国際関係の学位を取得しました。 2014年に卒業後すぐに日本に移り、横浜の中学校で英語教師として働き始めました。

1年半働いた後、2016年にマーケティングエージェンシーに入社しました。そこでは、ソーシャルメディアキャンペーンの企画と準備、デジタルマーケティングガイドラインの作成など、様々なソーシャルメディアやウェブサイトのコピーライティングを経験しました。 パナマとドバイでガバナンスワークショップの企画とファシリテーションなども行いました。


I first came to Japan in 2008 and instantly fell in love. I knew that one day I would like to live and work here. To make that dream happen, I went back into education, eventually heading to university for a degree in Politics and International relations with a year in Japan. After graduation in 2014, I immediately moved to Japan, where I began working as an English teacher at a junior high school in Yokohama.

After working there for a year and a half, I moved to a marketing agency in 2016. During my time there, I wrote copy for various social media and websites, while planning and preparing social media campaigns, creating digital marketing guidelines, preparing digital marketing governance workshops, and facilitating these. The job took me around the world as I put on workshops in Panama and Dubai.

After three and a half years, I realized that I wanted to work at a smaller company with a freer atmosphere and a higher degree for learning, which led me to Underworks in 2020.


私はインターネットで育った最初の世代だったと思います。 インターネットはどのように変化し、人々が何年にもわたってどのように適応してきたかを見てきました。 インターネットには興味がありましたが、大学に入学後より具体的に興味を持つようになりました。

大学で政治を勉強している時、中東の多くで民主化運動「アラブの春」が起こっていました。 抗議や運動が行われるためにはソーシャルメディアが不可欠だったので、メディアがいかに強力であるかを実感しましたね。大学を卒業後は、ソーシャルメディアの業界で働きたいと思っていました。それがデジタルマーケティングの世界に進んだきっかけにもなりました。

I think I was a part of the first generation to grow up with the internet. I have seen how it has changed and how people have adapted to it over the years. I have always been intrigued at how it could be used but became more specifically interested in it during university.

While I studied politics, the Arab Spring was happening in much of the Middle East. Social media was vital for the protests and movements to take place, so I saw how powerful the medium could be. When I left university, I knew that I wanted to work somehow within social media, which also led to me working within digital marketing as a whole.


入社したとき、実際にはギャップはありませんでしたが、私自身の知識に対してギャップを感じました。 デジタルマーケティングには、見たことのない、または知らなかったツールやサービスなどの側面がたくさんありました。

面接では、アンダーワークスのメンバーは親切だと聞いていましたが、本当にそうでした。 アンダーワークスの誰もが仕事を成し遂げるプロフェッショナルです。それに加え、チームメンバーに知識や考えを共有し、 誰もが互いに助け合う、本物のチーム感があります。

There was not really a gap when I joined. The gap was more with my own knowledge. There were many more tools, services, and aspects to digital marketing that I had not seen before or even known about suddenly at my fingertips.

I had expected everyone to be kind and helpful based on what I had heard in the interviews, but everyone really was so. Everyone here is a professional who knows what to do to get the job done, while others share their knowledge and thoughts. There is a genuine camaraderie here as everyone wants to help each other.






I am lucky to be a part of many different projects within Underworks, meaning I have lots of contact points with clients and other company members.

In general, each project follows the internal review -> client meeting -> wrap-up meeting flow. While a good amount of my time is set for these meetings, I still have time left over for agenda creation, strategy planning, general work, and reading up on the latest trends and news.

On the weekends I like to walk to parks with my family and have picnics when the weather is right.
Back home I enjoy playing the guitar, exercising, making coffee, playing games and eating delicious food.


以前の仕事で、他の人の前で話すのがかなり上達したと感じます。 また、プロジェクト管理、スケジュールの作成、ベンダー企業からの作業の促進なども経験も活かせていると感じます。さらに、現在Web関連のコンテンツや記事を執筆する機会もあり、前職の経験をより専門的な立場で続けられることをうれしく思います。

アンダーワークスに入社する以前も、デジタルマーケティングとガバナンスを理解していました。 入社後は、マーケティングオートメーション、アカウントベースのマーケティング、CMSの導入、企業Webサイト業務など、さらに多くのことを学び、多くの経験を積んでいます。

I became reasonably adept at speaking in front of others at my previous jobs. Also, general project management, creating schedules, and facilitating work from vendor companies.I have also enjoyed writing articles and web content, and I am happy to continue it in a professional capacity.

I understood digital marketing and governance before joining UW, but I have learned much more and gained many more experiences. For instance, Marketing Automation, Account-Based Marketing, introducing a CMS, and the everyday operation of a corporate website.




I have options to either become a specialist in a field or become a manager. I am happy to be either as I feel I have the technical and people skills to do so.

I have also helped out with onboarding new members and would like to continue to do so, along with other in-house projects.



I would like to work with open-minded people who can enjoy speaking about both work and unrelated things at the same time. I can always learn new things from people who both do and do not have experience in the particular field we will work in together.
